May 9, 2018

Jonna Mosesson's experience as an intern

Jonna was an intern from Sweden who spent three months with us last year and fell in love with all of the children here. But three months wasn't enough!
She recently went traveling to Kenya and was able to see some of her favorite children and mothers that she had met at the Save a Child's Heart house. She even stayed with a past patient, Phil, and his mother!
The connections made at Save a Child's Heart are life-long. Read below about her experience in Israel and in Kenya!

Last year I had the pleasure of spending three months as an intern at the SACH house, and I immediately loved it. I was looking forward everyday to go there and spend time with these amazing kids. It’s impossible not to love all the children, I did as well. There was one boy I got closer to, Philemon, maybe because he was one of the oldest and spoke perfect English. I also spent a lot of time with his friendly mum Caroline.

Me and Phil talked about everyday life, dreams and family. We looked at maps, compared Kenya, Israel and Sweden, where I am from. I promised I would one day come visit him. I have traveled a lot before and always wanted to go to Africa for some months, and I wanted it more after spending time at SACH. It’s amazing because you’re not only having a great time with the kids but you also learn about different cultures, and these where cultures I would love to visit.

When I came back to Sweden I still kept in contact with Phil and his mum. And five months after I came back from Israel I took my backpack and flew down to Namibia and made my way up to Uganda, through Kenya. Caroline waited for me in the bus station when I arrived to Nairobi. It was so nice to see her again, just as happy as I remembered, she’s really lovely, you instantly like her. We made our way to their home where Phil was waiting. It was such a great feeling seeing him again! He looked happy and healthy.

I stayed with them for five nights (and Caroline was upset I didn’t stay longer). They live in small room (about 12 square meters) but with enormous hospitality. One of the best experiences during my travel was for sure to stay with them, live like one of the locals, it takes you deeper to the country and culture. They insisted on me eating and staying with them.

I contacted Mama Faith, who stayed at the SACH house the same time I was there, I knew she and Faith lived in Nairobi. Me, Phil and Philes cousin went to see them. She has an orphanage with 27 children. Coming there was like being back at SACH. Kids in different ages live there together. That was for sure one of the highlights of my trip, it was absolutely amazing to be there, a place I would never have found without the contacts through SACH. I was very happy to see Faith but the scene that made most impact on me was seeing Philemon with Faith. I have not seen him as happy before, he danced with all kids and you could tell he really enjoyed it. Being able to do this is something I’m truly great full for and wish everyone could do.