July 17, 2016

Medical Seminar Held in Partnership Between the Palestine Medical Complex and the Wolfson Medical Ce

A medical seminar was held on July 14 in partnership between Wolfson and the Palestine Medical Complex from Ramallah. This is the fifth seminar held together. The seminar is part of the Heart of the Matter program and was supported by USAID and the EU.

25 physicians representing both institutions participated in the event. The seminar also included two representatives from Gambia as well as physicians from Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Romania currently training through Save a Child’s Heart at Wolfson.

The lectures were:
Dr. Hagi Dekel of Wolfson Medical Center, The Role and Effect of Additional Pulmonary Blood Flow at the Time of Glenn ProcedureDr. Muad Nairat of the Palestine Medical Complex, Combined Open Heart with Thyroidectomy is SafeDr. Yayehyirad (Yayu) Mekonnen Ejigu of Wolfson Medical Center, Complete AV Canal Defect Dr. Flor Guttmann, Patients Healers and their Families in a Cultural Context

Following the seminar the physicians visited the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and met with Palestinian family members whose children are currently being treated through Save a Child’s Heart.