July 24, 2019

Breaking News! Save a Child’s Heart reaches its 60th country - Uzbekistan

On Wednesday, July 17, 2019, Husan Anvarov from Uzbekistan underwent a lifesaving heart procedure at the Wolfson Medical Center in Israel by the volunteer medical team members of Save a Child's Heart. Uzbekistan represents the 60th country reached by Save a Child's Heart, making it Israel's largest humanitarian organization.

Husan, His mother and Head of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Dr. Lior Sasson

Husan, or Husanboy as he's nicknamed, is a 2-year-old boy from Uzbekistan. Husan lives in Oq-Yor village in the province of Andijan, with his mother, father and twin brother in his father's family home. Husan was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot, a type of congenital heart disease that is classified by a combination of four heart defects that commonly occur together, at birth. Due to the severity of Husan's case, his family was encouraged to seek care in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. It was then that Husan's grandfather took Husan on a more-than-5 hour car ride to Tashkent to evaluate the child. Luckily, Uzbekistan's Ministry of Health had already been working hand in hand with Israel's ambassador to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in Tashkent. Amb. Eduard Shapira is a champion of Save a Child's Heart and helped coordinate the first case that our team treated from Tajikistan - our 58th country, Motivated by that success, Amb. Shapira approached the Uzbeki Ministry of Health to suggest a new partnership with Save a Child's Heart.

Husan was the first child to benefit from this partnership as his application was filed and subsequent travel arrangements were made with the help of the Israeli embassy in Uzbekistan and Amb. Said Rustamov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Israel. Before their flight, Husan and his mother were Invited to the Israeli embassy in Tashkent to receive visas to enter Israel and well wishes from the ambassador and his team, who stated, "We, at the Israeli embassy in Tashkent, are very proud to introduce "Save a Child's Heart" a non-profit organization which helps so many children all over the world. For the first time, a patient from Uzbekistan will be operated on in the framework of this project, and we are very excited. From the bottom of our heart, we wish the young Husanboy a speedy and full recovery."

Now, Husan and his mother are back at the Children's Home doing well. In light of Husan's amazing recovery, Husan's mother shared with us: "I am so glad to be here, especially for the warm welcome we received. I am very grateful to all of you for saving my son's life. I have no words to express my gratitude."

Thank you to John Hagee Ministries for your support and generous donation to sponsor Husan's treatment and save his life. We would also like to thank Amb. Eduard Shapira, Ambassador of Israel in Tashkent as well as Amb. Said Rustamov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Israel and their teams, who played a crucial role in finding and arranging for Husan to come to Israel. Lastly, thank you to the doctors, nurses, and staff of the Wolfson Medical Center, without whom none of this would be possible.

In Uzbek and Russian news:

  1. https://uzreport.news/society/israeli-cardiologists-conduct-successful-heart-surgery-of-uzbek-child
  2. https://uz.sputniknews.ru/society/20190719/12037806/V-Izraile-kardiologi-proveli-operatsiyu-na-serdtse-rebenka-iz-Uzbekistana.html
  3. https://nuz.uz/zdorove/42016-izrailskie-kardiologi-proveli-operaciyu-na-serdce-rebenka-iz-uzbekistana.html
  4. https://ca-news.org/news:1557704
  5. https://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/izrailskie-vrachi-spasli-trekhletnego-malchika-iz-uzbekistana-/
  6. https://uzreport.news/society/izrailskie-kardiologi-proveli-uspeshnuyu-operatsiyu-na-serdtse-rebenka-iz-uzbekistana
  7. https://www.togri.uz/ru/mir/rebenok-iz-uzbekistana-byl-uspeshno-prooperirovan--9606
  8. https://uz24.uz/ru/society/izrailyskie-kardiologi-uspeshno-proveli-operaciyu-na-serdce-rebenka-iz-uzbekistana
  9. http://jahonnews.uz/ru/obshchestvo/161/55112/
  10. https://mfa.uz/ru/press/news/2019/07/20057/